Team Building Gold Reef City

Gold Reef City

Team Building Gold Reef City in an Amazing are inclusive of entrance, all rides, arrival coffee and pastries, refreshments and buffet lunch with dessert. This event has low physical requirements and is fit for all ages

08h45 – Parking and Entrance

Park at the hotel entrance, not at the main gate. You will be treated like a VIP. No queues

09h00 – Coffee and Pastries
Help yourself to coffee and assorted pastries

09h00 – Ice Breakers
Fun Group Activities to break the ice - hilarious

09h15 - Part I - Thrill Rides
09h30 – Amazing Race Theme Park Rides
Teams have to solve riddles and then go on the rides. They get differant points for going on the various rides

11h00 – Refreshment Break
Boeries and a Soft Drink. We also cater for Halaal Meals

11h15 – Part II - Race against Time
Amazing Race Win a Teddy
Each team get a number of tokens. They must use their tokens to win the biggest teddy bear
Amazing Race Imagination
Teams have to take group selfies of various abtract backgrounds

Tower of Terror
Earn bonus points for this heart-stopping 50m drop at a speed a of 100km p/h straight into an open mine shaft. Definitely not for everyone

Fun Train
Easy points simply taking a scenic train ride around the Gold Reef City theme park. The train departs every 15 minutes

Giant Wheel
Experience magnificent views of Johannesburg from our big wheel

13h00 – Buffet Lunch Barnies (Hotel Restaurant)
We lunch at the Hotel Restaurant ("Barnies"). This is a buffet with endless desserts

14h00 - Watch 4D Movies
Tummies are full and we all go see a 4D movie

14h30 - Depart at Leisure